(Some posts are just here, I've decided. Subscribe or follow using the google + or rss links to the right if you want an alert when I've posted. I figure you'll find your way here if there's something here you need. Or you'll share it with others if you think it's something they need. Otherwise, I just need to write to that unnamed void that makes me think more deeply about how I perceive things. Helps me process. Helps me...stay in tune.)
Because of that, the first slide glowing on the screen as I took my seat had more power to pull me in. It read:
"Parables of the Lost"
"How many of you have ever lost something and what have you lost?" my teacher asks. Fellow students name things off: wallets, keys, money. The teacher keeps prodding. He wants a category no one's mentioned. I know what it is, but I don't trust myself to speak at the moment. He tries a different angle and the feelings that are all too fresh, swell even more. "What are some emotions you might feel when losing something?" Answers come: Fear. Panic. The teacher asks what kinds of things we might lose that would bring those feelings. Wallets, keys and money are stated again.
He won't give it to them. He waits. Ugh. Fine. "Anguish" I say.
"Okay. Anguish. That's not a common emotion, Kate. What might you lose that would prompt that kind of emotion?"
"Losing someone, not something."