So, it's almost midnight and I'm sleeping down in the basement guestroom with three of my kids as we try to keep Adam from getting the gumboo we all have. It's too hot and I can't sleep and as my little "daysies" snore and chatter in their dream worlds I feel like posting thoughts I've had while watering my garden.
I have to water our flowers and our little square-foot garden twice a day this summer. Our sprinklers don't reach most of them and I've procrastinated planting until right before the hot season and they aren't established enough to withstand the heat - they need babying. I've already lost the vine near the front porch - scorched by the brick getting too hot I presume - it was doing well until I had the idea to stake up the stray guys to the trellis. Now their crisp and dried leaves and stems make me feel like I tied them up to be burned at the stake.